The process of assessing the actual value, takes into account the existing links between financial and non-financial factors, looking at broader issues, such as governance, strategies, resource allocation, risk management, future prospects, and the external environment beyond capital allocation. Without entering into the cumbersome debate between development and the more or less uncontrolled consequences of it, our organization is focused on themes of sustainable development issues, circular economics, well-being in all its forms and representations. It should not always be decided in terms of mediation between economic growth and attention to the environment ... indeed it is their coexistence that opens up new technological developments and virtual applications.
Solely on the issue of sustainable growth, we have just established a professional partnership with Babcock Noell GmbH for the abatement of NOx gas. Restyling the environment including a warm welcome from the new management at the Hotel Caiammari provides for the physical well-being resulting from the hospitality offered in a beautiful Sicilian home with the excellence of a gourmet gastronomical experience.
The Teamnetwork Opifex team’s participation in the spectacular 90th edition of the Mille Miglia and the renewal of the annual podium at the San Luigi Walk organized near the Buzzi Guidonia plant provides an environment for discussion of some of the topics published in this current edition of Tnw News.
Our corporate communications tool, which periodically revisits issues, graphic presentations and areas of interest, has as its unique objective, to bring attention to the spirit of the people in our society, thereby giving substance to the aseptic company definition: an organization of people who gather to co-operate for a common goal.