The dog and the meat
A dog was crossing a river with a piece of meat in its mouth.
The train of life
Life is like a train journey: We get on. We get off. There are accidents. At certain stops there are joyful surprises whereas at others profound sorrow.
Thoughts are free
Usually I am convinced that I am always right and the truths I profess seem to me to be the only ones worthy of trust.
The invisible advantage: human capital
The competitive energy of markets characterized by globalization, today more than ever, requires increasing organizational capacity aimed at training and making the most of human resources, based on intangible values.
PROVERBS “The spoken monument of common sense”
The term ‘proverb’ comes from the Latin proverbium, from ver- bum, (word) and is a brief and concise saying, of popular origin, which contains a teaching drawn from experience.
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