This is the first initiative in Italy involving the sport of handball; for this reason FIGH has designated it a “pilot”, and is proposing its inclusion as part of the Paralympics competition.

Technical / scientific staff includes:

Technical ASD Albatro Francesco Cinnirella, Andrea Cuzzupè and Vincenzo Vaccaro The DiversaMente Association Dr. Mariagrazia D’Ambra, Valeria D’Ambra and Maria Lucia Lucà Trombetta.

Project goals include:

• Providing children with Down syndrome an increase in self-esteem and autonomy, while at the same time promoting confidence in themselves and in others through healthy competition

• Creating group identity and team spirit in order to participate in championships

• Improving body awareness
• Improving balance, coordination and breathing
• Improving space and time orientation

• Improving the quality of intrafamily relationships
• Promoting better social skills.