Contimpianti S.p.A. is the Main Con- tractor for the design, supply of the process machines, assembly and commissioning of the new cement grinding and shipment plant located in the port area of Fos-sur-Mer. A twin plant is being built for the same client (Gamma Group) in the port area of Dunker- que (Nord Broyage plant – northern France). Mr. René Raimondi (mayor of Fos-sur- Mer) officiated at the event of 25/04/2008 which was also attended by the Prefect of the Bouches-du-Rhône department, the General Manager of the Port of Marseille and the General Manager of the Gamma Group, Mr. Paul Albrecht and other officials.

After the usual thanks in his official speech, the mayor, Mr. Raimondi, dwelled in par- ticular on the attention given to the envi- ronmental impact of the project as a whole. The production of cement using waste ma- terial, such as slag and flying ashes, con- tributes to the disposal of industrial waste of local companies. In addition, the deci- sion to privilege sea, river and rail trans-

port for the import and export of products rather than road transport (both grinding centres are in port areas) goes in the direction of environmental improvement.